Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to allow Java access to recording devices through browser

So I needed to allow Java access to my Mac's mic and speakers through one of our websites at work. I was prompted to download a .exe file supplied by the vendor to allow access. Since I'm a Mac user, this wasn't an option.

The solution was simply as follows:
  1. Open up your
  2. Create a new file called .java.policy
mSergani:~ $ vim .java.policy
  1. Add the following to the newly created file:
grant {
    permission javax.sound.sampled.AudioPermission "record";
  1. Save the file and restart your browser.

I'm now able to record and play sounds through the browser, and so should you :)
This should work just fine on Linux as well.

Let me know if that worked out for you, if there are better ways to do the same!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My first blog

Hey all,

Just thought to try out a few things, so this is actually my first post on the blog :)
Others *should* follow :)
